Get Connected with the BGA Membership Map
By Mark Hundley, BGA Membership Committee
The SCAA and BGA are always looking for different ways to connect their members and how to offer them the best benefits possible. The BGA committees are a vital part of executing this vision. After months of hard work and collaboration, we are ready to show off our newest tool for connecting members with their local communities and beyond. That tool is our new Membership Map!
Did you recently join the guild but don't know many other members? Have you moved to a new city and want to find out if there is a local coffee community? Is there an executive council member in your area that could help you get more involved in the BGA? Maybe you want to start your own local community but aren't sure if there's enough interest. These are all excellent reasons to check out our map.
Upon opening this map, you will see a legend in the top right corner with a few different categories. Click on "Members Only" and zoom into your area. There may be more BGA presence in your state than you initially thought. Sounds like the perfect place to start a local coffee group with your fellow members. Fill out a form for a Member Driven Event (MDE). The guild can be a great resource for promoting your event and getting the word out to other members.
The next option on the legend is "Local Networks". Click on this to see registered member groups in your area. If you click on a specific group you will see links to their social media platforms and contact info. This is a great way to contact local groups for information about upcoming events or your possible interest in hosting an event at your cafe or roastery.
The final option is "Executive Council Members". Clicking this option shows you our dedicated team of volunteer council members and ways to contact them. These folks are responsible for guiding and directing the activities, education, and vision of the BGA. They are leaders in their communities and are devoted to being valuable resources for the membership in a number of ways. This is the best way to reach out if you are interested in joining a committee, have questions about the pathways programs, or are just looking for ways that you can volunteer at local and national events.
This project is always evolving and if you have a local community that you want added to the list you can fill out this form. We hope to not only add new ways for our members to connect through the map but also show participating cafes/roasters who offer exclusive BGA benefits. Your membership is important and we are dedicated to continually adding value for you.