Five Questions With A BGA Member- Sarah Dooley Edition.

So here's the deal, Sarah Dooley is kinda a big deal . She's a huge barista force to be reckoned with the Seattle area. She's consulting these days, as well as creating the Seattle Disloyalty Card, which are out all over the Seattle area. She's super cool, super helpful and a BGA member. Here's her questions.

1. Why are you a BGA member?
I am a BGA member because we are a team of innovative, hungry leaders in our community. It is important to stay connected especially with like minded people.

2. Ninja or Pirate and Why?
Pirate, I like the boots.

3. 18 grams or 21 grams?
19-20 grams? Why isn't that an option?

4. What is your favorite coffee right now?
I have enjoyed the remarkable grape and purple fruit flavors in the Ethiopia Nekisse. Fonte has it as an offering right now. I hear 49th Parallel has just released an interpretation of Nekisse as well, need to get some soon!

5. If you could work bar with any barista, who would it be, and why?
If I could work with any barista, who would it be Kyle Glanville. Why? Kyle recently spent a few days in Seattle and during that time I got a taste of how he that dude ticks. He's full of ideas and methodologies that provoked me to broaden my resources. Perhaps relearn a few things, that's always healthy. Smart guy, hard working and well spoken.

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