Barista Professional Development Survey
By Jessika Heredia Sosa
The barista profession comes with unique challenges and is often limited to being considered a temporary job and not having much visible growth.
I would like to understand what could be done to give value or benefit to this part of the coffee supply chain, especially since it is directly related to the consumer and it needs to be done with practice and knowledge. Of course, being a barista is a process that requires time and dedication to learn the techniques, they may need training that benefits their role/position and allow them to continue working within the value chain.
This research aims to directly study the barista population, by asking how they see their professional development, what has helped them and what expectations they have in the future offer of education or networking to achieve their goals. This will provide valuable background information to help us determine which topics to cover in workshops, events, and more, to best support baristas to grow within their profession. Another important factor to assess is the accessibility of education and other support, including if current education methods are enough, and taking into account accessibility in terms of gender and language.
It is open to coffee professionals that feel connected to this idea, including CEOs, coffee shop owners, barista trainers, and more. The more baristas that fill out the survey, the better we’ll be able to assess and understand their needs around professional development.
It is very important that a wider community can have a voice and so give the opportunity to study what can be done differently or how baristas can be supported. In an effort to make this survey more accessible, here is a translation tool.
Thank you on behalf of myself, this project, and the wider barista community for your time and participation!