2nd Annual SW Latte Art Competition! Sept. 3rd. Phoenix.

On September 3rd, 2011 you are invited to compete and experience the 2nd Annual Southwest Latte Art Competition held in conjunction with Phoenix Cooks; a culinary experience for food enthusiasts to learn, cook, and taste what Phoenix has to offer.

In addition to experiencing delicious food and wine, attendees will have the opportunity this year to learn about coffees brewed manually from local coffee roasters.

The latte art competition has been expanded this year beyond the Arizona borders to allow for competitors from the entire Southwest to join in on the fun! Thanks to our generous sponsors, 32 competitors will compete head to head for the title of Southwest Latte Art Champion. Beside the title, the winner will walk with a hot $500 and a handsome prize package!

Baristas, sign up to compete and take part in the Southwest Latte Art Competition and Phoenix Cooks. Registration is limited to 32 competitors and we will stop accepting registrations once we reach that mark. We also need baristas willing to help with setup the day before, registration, working the manual brew bar, and clean up. Check out the website at www.swlac.com for more information.

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