Stephen Morrissey – I'm A World Barista Champion And I Don't Want to Pay For Your Coffee

All CoLab: Antwerp 'coffeetalks' - by speakers such as Charlotte Malaval, Emma Sage and Stephen Morrissey - were produced by our content partner Tamper Tantrum. We'll be releasing the videos of these talks over the next months so we keep fuelling discussion and building an inventory of knowledge. Don't hesitate to share your comments, thoughts or any additional reading links.

Stephen Morrissey probably doesn't need much of an introduction around these parts but for those of you not in the know, you'll find Stephen in Chicago where he is based for his role as Senior Creative Adviser for SCAA. Starting his 'coffee life' in Ireland with Bewley's way back in 2008, Stephen went on to work alongside James Hoffman and Anette Moldvaer at Square Mile Coffee Roasters; win the 2008 World Barista Championships in Copenhagen; completed a six-year stint at world renowned Intelligentsia; and has become a key advisory on the World Coffee Events board.

In his Antwerp talk, Morrissey takes us back to the other side of the counter and reminds us to consider life as a consumer before designing a coffee service based on the needs and desires of someone based in the industry. A humorous walk through some personal experiences, this talk, is a must for any cafe owners or workers who want to fine tune their offering and are willing to re-consider how to operate service. 

Further Reading